Are you looking for the best and most suitable acoustic guitar for beginners? Here are a few things you need to know to make the right choice of acoustic guitar for beginners.
Acoustic Guitar Buying Guide For Beginners
Size, Shape & Sound
The first consideration you need to make is the type of acoustic guitar you are looking for, which will largely be based on size and sound. A guitar with a smaller body is easier to play and easier to move. Conversely, the larger the guitar body, the louder the volume and timbre. The most popular and versatile acoustic guitar shape is the dreadnought, thanks to its balance of sound and playability. Don’t forget the most important thing is that the guitar should be comfortable to play, especially as you are a beginner.

Material & Specifications
Next, consider comparing acoustic guitars made from different tonewoods. In fact, different woods have different tonal characteristics, which is why some guitars sound brighter or deeper than others. Plus, each wood will suit different styles, which is why one guitar may suit your musical style better than another.

The tonewood for making the guitar also has a relative influence on the durability of the guitar. Therefore, you should consider choosing an acoustic guitar made from the right wood for the weather and climate where you live so as to ensure your guitar has the best durability.
Once you have an idea of the guitar shape and type of tonewood you prefer, you may start to compare acoustic guitars by their more detailed specifications. Compare the 12 frets with the traditional 14 frets and experience the difference in how they feel to your hands.

Guitar Action
Comparatively speaking, a beginner acoustic guitar should be easy to play. If the acoustic guitar itself makes progress more difficult than it should be, you’ll be less likely to want to practice. Guitar action is the distance between the guitar strings and the fretboard. The higher the action, the harder it is to play because it is difficult to press or hold the strings. Look for an acoustic guitar with a low action or ask the technician to lower the action for you. Low action will make it easier to press the frets and more comfortable to play.

Tuning is often a challenge for beginning guitarists, so guitar tuners make the process easier and it is very important to keep the correct tension. With a classic acoustic guitar that does not have electronics, you may need to assistance of a digital guitar tuner or mobile tuner app to get it in tune. An acoustic-electric guitar will have a built-in tuner and equalizer.
The best accurate and handy guitar tuner – Guitar Tunio is now available on App Store and Google Play Store, check it out!
Do you need electronics?
Consider whether you want the electronics built into your guitar, and try plugging in a few guitar models to see if the amplified sound suits your style. If your guitar doesn’t have a built-in amplifier, you can add a guitar amp to install it.

Above is the acoustic guitar buying guide for beginners. Hopefully, our guide can help you choose the right acoustic guitar for you.