AWhen you were Dmine
I’d Ehold you all the Atime
When you were Dmine
We’d Esplit the bottle of Awine
When you were Dmine
All of the Etime
Holding you F#mtight
DWhen you were Amine
AI need you Dhere
I’m Ecold and lost wiAthout you
I need you Dnear
I’m Etired and need a Abed
But I’ll do my Dbest lay flat on my Echest
And try not to F#mcry
DWhen you were Amine
If Bmyou should have a change of Emind
I’d drop everyAthing to be Eright by your F#mside
If you Bmwant to be Eright
I’ll leave this Abroken Eheart beF#mhind
Dwhen you were Amine
AI know that Dtime
Is Ewhat I should hold Aon to
To just say goodDbye
And Eput the love to Arest
But I don’t wanna Ddry these tears in my Eeyes
And leave you beF#mhind
DWhen you were Amine
DWhen you were Amine
DWhen you were Amine
Above are the chords and lyrics of the song “When you were mine” by Jackson Singleton. Don’t forget to use our chromatic tuner in the Pro Guitar Tunio app to tune your guitar to the original pitch of the song. Moreover, you can browse the app to learn and practice many different ukulele and guitar chords. It is available for iOS and Android mobile devices, check it out to see more.
Now, it’s time to pick up your instrument and practice the hit! Good luck and enjoy it