
How to Store your Guitar

As a guitar owner, you know how important it is to keep your instrument in top condition. Whether you’re a professional musician or a hobbyist, your guitar is an investment that deserves proper care. Proper storage is one of the most important things you can do to ensure your guitar stays in good condition. Here are some tips for you to store your guitar to ensure it stays in top condition.

Tips and techniques to Store your guitar

1. Use a Guitar Case

Using a guitar case is one of the most important things you can do to protect your guitar. A good case will protect your guitar from dust, moisture, and other environmental factors that can damage the instrument. Hardshell cases are best for protecting your guitar during travel, while soft cases are great for storing your guitar at home. Make sure the case is a good fit for your guitar, so it doesn’t move around inside.

When choosing a guitar case, consider the material it’s made of. Hardshell cases are usually made of wood or plastic and offer the most protection for your guitar. Soft cases are usually made of nylon or canvas and are less expensive than hardshell cases. However, they don’t offer as much protection as hardshell cases.

2. Keep Your Guitar in a Climate-Controlled Environment

Guitars are sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity, so it’s important to store them in a climate-controlled environment. Avoid storing your guitar in areas that are too hot, cold, or humid, such as garages, attics, or basements. Instead, store your guitar in a room that’s kept at a consistent temperature and humidity level. If you live in an area with extreme weather conditions, consider investing in a humidifier or dehumidifier to regulate the humidity levels in the room.

Temperature and humidity levels can affect the tone and playability of your guitar. High humidity can cause the wood to swell, while low humidity can cause the wood to shrink and crack. Extreme temperatures can also cause damage to your guitar’s finish and electronics. Ideally, you should store your guitar in a room with a temperature between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit and a relative humidity between 40% and 60%.

3. Loosen the Strings

When storing your guitar for an extended period of time, it’s a good idea to loosen the strings. This will help relieve tension on the neck and prevent warping or other damage to the instrument. However, don’t loosen the strings too much – just enough to relieve the tension. You can also use a capo to keep the strings from touching the frets.

If you’re only storing your guitar for a short period of time, such as a few weeks, you don’t need to loosen the strings. However, if you’re storing your guitar for several months or longer, it’s a good idea to loosen the strings.

Loosen the Strings
Loosen the Strings

4. Clean Your Guitar Before Storing It

Before storing your guitar, take the time to clean it thoroughly. Use a soft cloth to wipe down the body of the guitar, and use a guitar polish to clean the fretboard and other areas of the instrument. This will help remove any dirt or grime that could damage the guitar over time. Make sure the guitar is completely dry before putting it away.

When cleaning your guitar, be careful not to use any harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that could damage the finish or hardware. Use a soft cloth or microfiber towel to clean the body of the guitar, and use a separate cloth to clean the fretboard.

5. Store Your Guitar in a Safe Location

Finally, make sure you store your guitar in a safe location where it won’t be knocked over or damaged. If you have children or pets, consider storing your guitar in a locked room or cabinet to prevent accidents. Avoid storing your guitar near windows or doors where it could be exposed to direct sunlight or drafts.

When storing your guitar, make sure it’s not leaning against anything or touching any other objects that could scratch or damage it. If you’re storing multiple guitars, make sure they’re not touching each other.


By following these tips, you can ensure that your guitar stays in top condition for years to come. Proper storage is essential for protecting your investment and ensuring that your guitar sounds great every time you play it. With a little care and attention, your guitar can last a lifetime and bring you joy for years to come.

Remember to use a good quality case to protect your guitar from dust, moisture, and other environmental factors. Keep your guitar in a climate-controlled environment with consistent temperature and humidity levels. Loosen the strings when storing your guitar for an extended period of time, and clean it thoroughly before putting it away. Finally, store your guitar in a safe location where it won’t be knocked over or damaged.

By taking these simple steps, you can ensure that your guitar stays in top condition and continues to bring you joy for years to come.

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