Chords to Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing by Chris Rice
Track Info

Song: Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing
Artist: Chris Rice
Writers: Robert Robinson
Album: Updating
Chords Info
TuningE A D G B E
CapoNo Capo
Chords Used d a G Bm
Verse 1
Come Thou Dfount of every Ablessing
DTune my Gheart to Asing Thy Dgrace
Streams of Bmmercy never Aceasing
DCall for Gsongs of Aloudest Dpraise
Teach me Bmsome melodious Dsonnet
Sung by Gflaming Atongues Bmabove
Praise the Dmount, I'm Afixed upon it
DMount of GThy Aredeeming Dlove
Verse 2
Here I Draise my AEbenezer
DHere by GThy great Ahelp I've Dcome
And I Bmhope by Thy good Apleasure
DSafely Gto arrive Aat Dhome
Jesus Bmsought me when a Dstranger
Wandering Gfrom the Afold of BmGod
He to Drescue me from Adanger
DInterposed GHis Aprecious Dblood
Verse 3
Oh, that Dday when freed from Asinning
DI shall Gsee Thy Alovely Dface
Clothed Bmthen in blood washed Alinen
DHow I'll Gsing Thy Asovereign Dgrace
Come my BmLord, no longer Dtarry
Take my Gransomed Asoul Bmaway
Send Thine Dangels now to Acarry
DMe to Grealms of Aendless Ddays
Verse 4
Oh, to Dgrace how great a Adebtor
DDaily GI'm consAtrained to Dbe
Let Thy Bmgoodness like a Afetter
DBind my Gwandering Aheart to DThee
Prone to Bmwander, Lord I Dfeel it
Prone to Gleave the AGod I Bmlove
Here's my Dheart, oh take and Aseal it
DSeal it Gfor Thy Acourts Dabove
DHere's my heart
Oh take and Aseal it
DSeal it Gfor Thy Acourts Dabove