The First Noel Chords by Misc Christmas

July 3, 2024

    Track Info

    The First Noel Chords by Misc Christmas

    Chords Info

    TuningE A D G B E

    CapoNo Capo

    Chords Used c g d G/B

    Verse 1

    The Cfirst NoDel, the Cangels did Gsay

    Was to Ccertain poor G/Bshepherds in Cfields where Dthey Glay

    In Gfields where Dthey lay Ckeeping their Gsheep

    On a Ccold winter’s G/Bnight that Cwas Dso Gdeep


    NoGel, NoDel, NoCel, NoGel

    CBorn is the G/BKing ofC IsDraGel

    Verse 2

    They Glooked Dup and saw a star

    Shining Cin the G/BEast beyCond tDhem fGar

    And Gto theD Earth it Cgave great Glight

    And Cso it contG/Binued both dCay aDnd niGght


    NoGel, NoDel, NoCel, NoGel

    CBorn is the G/BKing ofC IsDraGel

    Verse 3

    And Gby the ligDht

    Of tChat same Gstar

    Three Cwise men G/Bcame from the CcounDtry Gfar;

    To Gseek for a DKing

    Was Ctheir inGtent,

    And to Cfollow the G/Bstar whereCver Dit weGnt.


    NoGel, NoDel, NoCel, NoGel

    CBorn is the G/BKing ofC IsDraGel

    Verse 4

    This Gstar Ddrew nigh

    To Cthe north-Gwest;

    O'er CBethleG/Bhem it Ctook Dits Grest,

    And Gthere it Ddid

    Both Cstop and Gstay,

    Right Cover the G/Bplace where CJeDsuGs lay.


    NoGel, NoDel, NoCel, NoGel

    CBorn is the G/BKing ofC IsDraGel

    Verse 5

    Then Gentered Din

    Those Cwise men Gthree,

    Fell CreverenG/Btly uCpon Dtheir kGnee,

    And Goffered Dthere

    In his CpreGsence

    Their Cgold and G/Bmyrrh and CfranDkincenGse.


    NoGel, NoDel, NoCel, NoGel

    CBorn is the G/BKing ofC IsDraGel

    Verse 6

    Then Glet us Dall

    With Cone Gaccord

    SingC praises G/Bto our heCavenDly LGord,

    That Ghath Dmade heaven

    And Cearth of Gnaught,

    And Cwith his G/Bblood mankCind Dhas bGought.


    NoGel, NoDel, NoCel, NoGel

    CBorn is the G/BKing ofC IsDraGel

    NoGel, NoDel, NoCel, NoGel

    CBorn is the G/BKing ofC IsDraGel

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