Fireflies Chords by Owl City
Track Info

Song: Fireflies
Artist: Owl City
Writers: Adam Young
Producers: Adam Young, Matt Thiessen
Album: Updating
Chords Info
TuningE A D G B E
CapoNo Capo
Chords Used g C F Am Em
Verse 1
GYou would not Cbelieve your eyes Fif ten million fireflies
GLit up the Cworld as I fell Fasleep
G'Cause they'd fill the Copen air and Fleave teardrops everywhere
GYou'd think me Crude but I would just stand and Fstare
FI'd like to Ammake myself Gbelieve
That planet FEarth Cturns EmslowFly
It's Fhard to say that I'd Crather stay Fawake Gwhen I'm Amasleep
F'Cause everything is Cnever as it Gseems
Verse 2
G'Cause I'd get Ca thousand hugs Ffrom ten thousand lightning bugs
GAs they tried to Cteach me how to Fdance
GA foxtrot Cabove my head, Fa sock hop beneath my bed
GA disco ball is Cjust hanging by a Fthread
FI'd like to Ammake myself Gbelieve
That planet FEarth Cturns EmslowFly
It's Fhard to say that I'd Crather stay Fawake Gwhen I'm Amasleep
F'Cause everything is Cnever as it Gseems (When I fall Fasleep)
GLeave my door Copen just a Fcrack
(Please take me away from here)
G'Cause I feel like Csuch an insomniaFc
(Please take me away from here)
GWhy do I Ctire of counting Fsheep
(Please take me away from here)
GWhen I'm far too Ctired to fall Fasleep?
Verse 3
GTo ten million Cfireflies, FI'm weird 'cause I hate goodbyes
GI got misty Ceyes as they said Ffarewell
GBut I'll know where Cseveral are Fif my dreams get real bizarre
G'Cause I saved a few and CI keep them in a Fjar
FI'd like to Ammake myself Gbelieve
That planet FEarth Cturns EmslowFly
It's Fhard to say that I'd Crather stay Fawake Gwhen I'm Amasleep
F'Cause everything is Cnever as it Gseems (When I fall Fasleep)
FI'd like to Ammake myself Gbelieve
That planet FEarth Cturns EmslowFly
It's Fhard to say that I'd Crather stay Fawake Gwhen I'm Amasleep
F'Cause everything is Cnever as it Gseems (When I fall Fasleep)
FI'd like to Ammake myself Gbelieve
That planet FEarth Cturns EmslowFly
It's Fhard to say that I'd Crather stay Fawake Gwhen I'm Amasleep
FBecause my dreams are Cbursting at the Gseams