DTo Gdream the imposDsible dreGam
To Cfight the unbeaGtable foe C Am
To Bmbear with unbearable Csorrow
And to Amrun where the brave dare not go D
To Gright the unrigDhtable wroGng
And to Clove pure and Gchaste from aAmfar
To Bmtry when your arms are too weaCry
To Amreach the unreachable staDr
This is my Gquest to follow that Emstar
No matter how Bmhopeless, no matter how Cfar
To fight for the Emright without question or Cpause
To be willing to Gmarch into Emhell for a Cheavenly Fcause
And I Amknow if I’ll only be Ftrue to this glorious Bmquest
That my Cheart will lie peaceful and Amcalm
When I’m laid to my Brest D D7
And the worlGd will be bettDer for thisBm
That one Cman, scorned and Gcovered with Amscars
Still Bmstrove with his last ounce of Ccourage
To Gfight the unbeatabDle foe Em D
To Greach the unreaDchable staGr
Above are The Impossible Dream chords and lyrics. Pick up your guitar and practice the song now. Don’t forget to tune your guitar properly with Guitar Tunio before you play. Good luck!