Kind Cory Asbury Chords - Lyrics and Chords
Track Info

Song: Kind
Artist: Cory Asbury
Writers: Cory Asbury
Producers: Paul Mabury
Album: Updating
Chords Info
TuningE A D G B E
CapoNo Capo
Chords Used g d a bm Em Asus4
Verse 1
Sometimes BmmarriAages don'tD work, and Gsometimes babies Ddie
Sometimes Grehab turns to Bmrelapse and you're Dleft just asking N.C.why A
And for Bmall the Aprayers I've Dprayed, I still Gwonder if He's Dreal
And if He Gis, how is He Bmchoosing who He Ddoes and doesn't Asus4heal?
I've Gtried to run from Jesus, I've Dstarted holy Awars
I've Gtried the patient waiting and the Dkicking down theA doors
I've Bmcursed His name in Aanger with my Gfist raisеd to theEm sky
And in reGturn, all He's Aеver been is Bmkind
Verse 2
And I've Bmburned my fair Ashare of Dbridges, I learned to Gtuck my tail and Drun
Watch theG wreckage in the Bmrear view from all the Dcrooked things I've Adone
And I Bmknow that AHe forDgives me, but it's Ghard to forgive myDself
I can't Ghelp but think that Bmamazing grace is for Deverybody Aelse
I've Gtried to run from Jesus, I've Dstarted holy Awars
I've Gtried the patient waiting and the Dkicking down the Adoors
I've Bmcursed His name in Aanger with my Gfist raised to the Emsky
And in reGturn, all he's Aever been is Bmkind ADG
All He's ever been is kindBmADG
And I Bmknow I Awasn't Dthere
But when I Glook up at the Dcross
I see the Gdarkest day in Bmhistory
And I guess Dthat's what kindness Acost
I've Gtried to run from Jesus, I've Dstarted holy Awars
I've Gtried the patient waiting and the Gkicking down the Adoors
He Bmknows I don't Adeserve it, but He's never changed His mind
All He's Aever been is Bmkind ADG
All He's ever been is Bmkind AD