Chords for I Will Survive by Gloria Gaynor
Track Info

Song: I Will Survive
Artist: Gloria Gaynor
Writers: Freddie Perren, Dino Fekaris
Producers: Freddie Perren, Dino Fekaris
Album: Updating
Chords Info
TuningE A D G B E
CapoNo Capo
Chords Used Am7 Cmaj7 E Fmaj7 Dm7 G7 Bm7b5 Esus4 G
Verse 1
At Am7first I was afraid, I was Dm7petrified
Kept thinking G7I could never live without you Cmaj7by my side
But then I Fmaj7spent so many nights thinking Bm7b5how you did me wrong
And I grew Esus4strong
And I learned Ehow to get along
And so you're Am7back
From outer Dm7space
I just walked Gin to find you G7here with that sad Cmaj7look upon your face
I should have Fmaj7changed that stupid lock, I should havBm7b5e made you leave your key
If I'd Esus4known for just one second you'd be Eback to bother me
Go on now, Am7go, walk out theDm7 door
Just turn Garound nowG7
'Cause you're not Cmaj7welcome anymore
Fmaj7Weren't you the one who tried to Bm7b5hurt me with goodbye?
You think Esus4I'd crumble?
You think EI'd lay down and die?
Oh no, not Am7I, I will surDm7vive
Oh, as Glong as I know G7how to love, I kCmaj7now I'll stay alive
I've got Fmaj7all my life to live
And I've got Bm7b5all my love to give and I'll surEsus4vive
I will surEvive, hey, hAm7ey
Am7 Dm7 G G7 Cmaj7 Fmaj7 Bm7b5 Esus4 E
Verse 2
It took Am7all the strength I had not to Dm7fall apart
Kept trying Ghard to mend the G7pieces of my Cmaj7broken heart
And I spent Fmaj7oh-so many nights just feeling Bm7b5sorry for myself
I used to Esus4cry
But now I Ehold my head up high and you see Am7me
Somebody Dmnew
I'm not that Gchained-up little G7person still in Cmaj7love with you
And so you Fmaj7felt like dropping in and just exBm7b5pect me to be free
Well, now I'm Esus4saving all my lovin' for someEone who's loving me
Go on now, Am7go, walk out the Dm7door
Just turn Garound nowG7
'Cause you're not Cmaj7welcome anymore
Fmaj7Weren't you the one who tried to Bm7b5break me with goodbye?
You think Esus4I'd crumble?
You think EI'd lay down and die?
Oh no, not Am7I, I will surDm7vive
Oh, Gas long as I knG7ow how to love, I knCmaj7ow I'll stay alive
I've got Fmaj7all my life to live
And I've got Bm7b5all my love to give and I'll surEsus4vive
I will surEvive, oh
Go on now, Am7go, walk out the Dm7door
Just turn Garound nowG7
'Cause you're not Cmaj7welcome anymore
Fmaj7Weren't you the one who tried to Bm7b5break me with goodbye?
You think Esus4I'd crumble?
You think EI'd lay down and die?
Oh no, not Am7I, I will surDm7vive
Oh, Gas long as I knG7ow how to love, I knCmaj7ow I'll stay alive
I've got Fmaj7all my life to live
And I've got Bm7b5all my love to give and I'll surEsus4vive
I will surEvive
I will Am7survive
Am7 Dm7 G G7 Cmaj7 Fmaj7 Bm7b5 Esus4 E
Verse 3
It took Am7all the strength I had not to Dm7fall apart
Kept trying Ghard to mend the G7pieces of my Cmaj7broken heart
And I spent Fmaj7oh-so many nights just feeling Bm7b5sorry for myself
I used to Esus4cry
But now I Ehold my head up high and you see Am7me
Somebody Dmnew
I'm not that Gchained-up little G7person still in Cmaj7love with you
And so you Fmaj7felt like dropping in and just exBm7b5pect me to be free
Well, now I'm Esus4saving all my lovin' for someEone who's loving me
Go on now, Am7go, walk out the Dm7door
Just turn Garound nowG7
'Cause you're not Cmaj7welcome anymore
Fmaj7Weren't you the one who tried to Bm7b5break me with goodbye?
You think Esus4I'd crumble?
You think EI'd lay down and die?
Oh no, not Am7I, I will surDm7vive
Oh, Gas long as I knG7ow how to love, I knCmaj7ow I'll stay alive
I've got Fmaj7all my life to live
And I've got Bm7b5all my love to give and I'll surEsus4vive
I will surEvive
I will Am7survive
Am7 Dm7 G G7 Cmaj7 Fmaj7 Bm7b5 Esus4 E