Qualities of Bassists and Practice Methods (Part 2)

September 23, 2022

    In the previous article, we have shown you the essential qualities that a good bass player should have and how to practice. This article will continue to cover practice methods to become a good bass player.

    Learn from Successful Bassists

    You should define the goals you reach for, and try to understand and learn from bass players who have a certain position, and who constantly develop and expand their sphere of influence. Define for yourself the qualities they have achieved and brought them to the top.

    - Do you like listening and watching them play? Does that inspire, expand and delight you?

    - Which of their qualities do you admire the most?

    - Do you like the sound they make?

    - What techniques do you learn while watching them play the bass?

    - What can you learn when they improvise?

    - Can they show themselves and their good qualities? Do they have a cheerful gesture or attitude?

    Learn from successful bassists
    Learn from successful bassists

    These ideas help you discover yourself by learning how others have found their position in the music industry. Considering the wide range of music that a contemporary bass player must be familiar with, it will be important to position yourself in your own development.

    Of course, these considerations can change according to the learning process and expansion of knowledge, and it is really good to remain flexible, and sensitive to the changes that will happen in music and your life. Survival as a musician is difficult, so you can learn a lot from bassists who have existed and continue to exist artistically, financially, spiritually, and physically.

    How to Practice the Bass Effectively

    Basically, the purpose of playing music is to bring pleasure, pleasure, and comfort to everyone. Now we will show you the most efficient practice methods to make you a better bass guitarist. 

    1. Decide on a specific training time, one hour of concentrated practice is more than hours of inattentive and ineffective practice.

    2. Focus on a specific issue, look at your list of weaknesses and find how to fix them. Fix them one by one.

    3. Never choose things that cannot be done at a given moment. Set a goal and meet it. If you can achieve it and you still have time, set another goal. Should take a break before continuing to practice.

    Effective bass training methods
    Effective bass training methods

    4. Don't waste your time practicing what you do well, save this for the performances. Remember, when you overcome your weaknesses, you are adding to your strengths.

    5. Difficult problems can arise during the training process - don't ignore them - go back and fix them before continuing, which is extremely important.

    6. Have fun! Make your practice light, challenge yourself, and treat it like a game and you have to win.

    That’s all. Hope this article helped you!

    Don’t forget to access our website to update our latest news and learn more about guitar, ukulele, bass, and many other string instruments. 

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