Man Of Sorrows Chords by Hillsong United

August 23, 2024

    Track Info

    Man Of Sorrows Chords by Hillsong United

    Chords Info

    TuningE A D G B E

    CapoNo Capo

    Chords Used c g d Em

    Verse 1

    GMan of Sorrows, CLamb of GGod

    CBy His Gown beDtrayed

    The Emsin of men and Cwrath of EmGod

    Has Cbeen on DJesusG laid

    GSilent as He Cstood acGcused

    CBeaten, Gmocked, andD scorned

    EmBowing to the CFather's Emwill

    He Ctook a Dcrown ofG thorns


    Oh that Emrugged Ccross, my sGalvaDtion

    Where Your Emlove poured Cout overD me

    Now my Csoul criesG out


    Praise and Chonor CuntoG Thee


    Verse 2

    GSent of Heaven, CGod's ownG Son

    To Cpurchase Gand rDedeem

    And Emreconcile the Cvery Emones

    Who Cnailed Him Dto thatG tree


    Oh that Emrugged Ccross, my sGalvaDtion

    Where Your Emlove poured Cout overD me

    Now my Csoul criesG out


    Praise and Chonor CuntoG Thee


    Now my Emdebt is Cpaid, it is Gpaid in Dfull

    By the Emprecious Cblood that my GJesus sDpilled

    Now the Emcurse of (come on!) Csin has noG hold on Dme

    Whom the EmSon sets Cfree, oh is Gfree iDndeed!


    Oh that Emrugged Ccross, my sGalvaDtion

    Where Your Emlove poured Cout overD me

    Now my Csoul criesG out


    Praise and Chonor CuntoG Thee (x2)

    Verse 3

    GSee, the stone is Crolled aGway

    BeChold the Gempty Dtomb

    EmHallelujah, CGod be Empraised

    'Cause He'sC risen Dfrom the Ggrave!


    Oh that Emrugged Ccross, my sGalvaDtion

    Where Your Emlove poured Cout overD me

    Now my Csoul criesG out


    Praise and Chonor CuntoG Thee

    Praise and Chonor CuntoG Thee

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