How to Play Desert Song Chords on Guitar
Track Info

Song: Desert Song
Artist: Hillsong Worship
Writers: Brooke Ligertwood
Album: Updating
Chords Info
TuningE A D G B E
CapoNo Capo
Chords Used bm A G D A/C#
Verse 1
BmThis is my praAyer in the deGsert
When Bmall that's wiAthin me feelsG dry
BmThis is my praAyer in my Ghunger and neDed
My BmGod is the AGod who Gprovides
Verse 2
And Bmthis is my praAyer in the fiGre
In weBmakness or trAial or paGin
BmThere is a faAith proved
Of Gmore worth thanD gold
So Bmrefine me LoArd through the flGame
And I wDill bring praise
I will brinAg praise
No weapon forGmed against me shall remDain
A/C#I will reAjoice
I will Bmdeclare
God is my vicGtory and AHe is herBme
Verse 3
And Bmthis is my praAyer in the Gbattle
When Bmtriumph is Astill on its Gway
BmI am a conAqueror
And Gco-heir with ChDrist
So Bmfirm on His prAomise I'll stGand
And I wDill bring praise
I will brinAg praise
No weapon forGmed against me shall reDmain
A/C#I will reAjoice
I will Bmdeclare
God is my vicGtory and ACHe is herBme
DAll of my life
In every season
BmYou are still God
I have a reason toA sing
GI have a reason toD worship
And I wDill bring praise
I will brinAg praise
No weapon forGmed against me shall reDmain
A/C#I will reAjoice
I will Bmdeclare
God is my vicGtory and ACHe is herBme
Verse 4
BmThis is my praAyer in the harGvest
When Bmfavor and proAvidence flGow
BmI know I'm fiAlled to be emGptied again
The sBmeed I've reAceived I will sGow