Go The Distance Chords by Michael Bolton
Track Info

Song: Go The Distance
Artist: Michael Bolton
Producers: Alan Menken
Album: Updating
Chords Info
TuningE A D G B E
CapoNo Capo
Chords Used c g d a bm Em
Verse 1
I haveG ofAten Ddreamed of a GfarA-off Dplace
Where a GheAro's weBmlcome would be Dwaiting Afor me
Where the croGwds wAill Dcheer when Gthey sAee mDy face
And a voGice keAeps saBmying, "This is whDere I'm meant to Abe.
DI'll be there soEmmeday,D I can go the Adistance
I will fDind my wAay, Bmif I can be stArong
I know DeveAry miGle will be Bmworth my Emwhile
When I gGo tAhe distance, I'll be rBmight where AI Dbelong
Verse 2
Down an uGnkAnown Droad, to eGmbraceA myD fate
Though the rGoad mAay wBmander, it will Dlead me to Ayou
And a thGousAand yDears would be Gworth Athe Dwait
It might tGake Aa lBmifetime, but someDhow I'll see it tAhrough
DAnd I won't look bEmack,D I can go the Adistance
And I'Dll stay on Atrack, no, I wBmon't accept deAfeat
It's an DupAhill slope, but I Bmwon't lose Emhope
'Til I Ggo tAhe disDtance and my jBmourney is compAlete
But to Dlook beyond the glory is the Ghardest Cpart
GFor a hero's strength is Cmeasured by his heDart
DLike a shooting sEmtar, DI will go the dAistance
I will seGarch Athe Bmworld, I will fDace its harAms
I don't caGre Ahow Dfar, I can go Gthe AdistDance
'Til I find my herGo's AwelBmcome, wDaiting in your arAms
I will sDearch the wEmorld, DI will face its hAarms
'Til I find my herGo's AwelBmcome, wDaiting in your arAms