The Night We Met Chords by Lord Huron
Track Info

Song: The Night We Met
Artist: Lord Huron
Writers: Ben Schneider
Producers: Ben Schneider
Album: Updating
Chords Info
TuningE A D G B E
CapoNo Capo
Chords Used Em D G C
Em DG Oooooooooo
Em GC Oooooooooo
Em DG Oooooooooo
Em GC Oooooooooo
Verse 1
Em I am not the Donly Gtraveler
Em Who has not reGpaid his Cdebt
I've been Emsearching for a Dtrail to Gfollow again
Take me Emback to the Gnight we Cmet
And then EmI can Gtell myCself
What the Emhell I'm suGpposed to Cdo
And then EmI can Gtell myCself
Not to Emride aGlong with Cyou
I had Emall and then most of you
DSome and now Gnone of you
Take me Emback to the Gnight we Cmet
I don't Emknow what I'm supposed to do
DHaunted by the Gghost of you
Oh, take me Emback to the Gnight we Cmet
Verse 2
When the Emnight was Gfull of Cterrors
And your Emeyes were Gfilled with Ctears
When you Emhad not Gtouched me Cyet
Oh, take me Emback to the Gnight we Cmet
I had Emall and then most of you
DSome and now Gnone of you
Take me Emback to the Gnight we Cmet
I don't Emknow what I'm supposed to do
DHaunted by the Gghost of you
Take me Emback to the Gnight we Cmet
EmGC x2