"Patience" is a song by the rock band Guns N' Roses, and it features a relatively simple chord progression that's great for beginners to practice. The main chords used in the song are G, C, D, and Em. In this article, we will bring you to chords to Patience and help you mastering guitar skills.
Gentle On My Mind Chords by Glen Campbell
Track Info

Song: Gentle on my mind
Artist: Glen Campbell
Writers: John Hartford
Producers: Felton Jarvis
Album: Updating
Chords Info
TuningE A D G B E
CapoNo Capo
Chords Used d a Em D6 Ẹm7 Dmaj7 Emmaj7
Verse 1
DIt's knowing that your Dmaj7door is always D6open
And your Dmaj7path is free to Emwalk
That Emmakes me tend to Emmaj7leave my sleeping Em7bag
Rolled up and Astashed behind your Dcouch
And it's Dknowing I'm not Dmaj7shackled
By D6forgotten words and Dmaj7bonds
And the Dink stains that are Dmaj7dried upon some Emline
That Emmaj7keeps you in the Emmaj7backroads
By the Em7rivers of my Amemory
It Emkeeps you ever Agentle on my Dmind
Verse 2
It's not Dclinging to theDmaj7 rocks and ivy
D6Planted on their Dmaj7columns now that Embind me
Or sEmomething that Emmaj7somebody said
Em7Because they thought we Afit together Dwalking
It's just DknowingDmaj7 that the world will not beD6 cursing
Or Dmaj7forgiving when I Dwalk along some Dmaj7railroad track and Emfind
That you're Emmoving on the Emmaj7backroads
By the Em7rivers of my Amemory
And for Emhours you're just Agentle on my Dmind
Verse 3
Though the Dwheat fields and theDmaj7 clotheslines
And the D6junkyards and the Dmaj7highways come bEmetween us
And Emsome other woman's Emmaj7crying to her Em7mother
Cause she Aturned, and I was Dgone
I Dstill might run in Dmaj7silence, tears of D6joy might stain my Dmaj7face
And the Dsummer sun might Dmaj7burn me 'til I'm Emblind
But Emnot to where I Emmaj7cannot see you Em7walking on the Abackroads
By the Emrivers flowing Agentle on myD mind
Verse 4
I Ddip my cup of Dmaj7soup back from a D6gurgling
Crackling Dmaj7caldron in some Emtrain yard
My Embeard a rough'ning, Emmaj7coal pile
And a Em7dirty hat pulled Alow across my Dface
Through Dcupped hands 'round the Dmaj7tin can
I D6pretend Dmaj7to hold you to my breast and Emfind
That you're Emwaiting from the Emmaj7backroads
By the Em7rivers of my Amemories
Ever Emsmiling ever Agentle on my Dmind