Don't Think Twice It's All Right Chords by Bob Dylan
Track Info

Song: Don't Think Twice, It's All Right
Artist: Bob Dylan
Writers: Bob Dylan
Producers: John Hammond
Album: Updating
Chords Info
TuningE A D G B E
CapoNo Capo
Chords Used c g f D7 C7 G7 Am
Verse 1
Well, it Cain't no use to Gsit and wonder Amwhy, babe
F If'n you don't know by Cnow G
And it Cain't no use to Gsit and wonder Amwhy, babe
D7 It'll never do someGhow G7
When your Crooster crows at the C7break of dawn
F Look out your window and D7I'll be gone
CYou're the Greason I'm a-Amtraveling on F
But Cdon't think Gtwice, it's all Cright
Verse 2
And it Cain't no use in a-Gturning on your Amlight, babe
The Flight I never Cknowed G
And it Cain't no use in Gturning on your Amlight, babe
D7 I'm on the dark side of the Groad G7
But I Cwish there was something you wouldC7 do or say
To Ftry and make me change my D7mind and stay
But Cwe never Gdid too much Amtalking anyway F
But Cdon't think Gtwice, it's all Cright
Verse 3
So it Cain't no use in Gcalling out my Amname, gal
F Like you never done before.. C G
And it Cain't no use in Gcalling out my Amname, gal
D7 I can't hear you anymore G G7
I'm a-Cthinking and a-wondering, C7walking down the road
I Fonce loved a woman, a D7child, I'm told
I Cgive her my Gheart but she Amwanted my soulF
But Cdon't think Gtwice, it's all rigCht
Verse 4
So CloooGooong, honey Ambabe
Where I'm Fbound, I can't Ctell G
CGoodbye's Gtoo good a Amword, babe
D7 So I'll just say, "Fare thee wGell" G7
CI ain't a-saying you treated C7me unkind
You Fcould've done better, butD7 I don't mind
CYou just kinda Gwasted myAm precious Ftime
But Cdon't think Gtwice, it's all Cright