Chords for Friends In Low Places by Garth Brooks
Track Info

Song: Friends in Low Places
Artist: Garth Brooks
Writers: Dewayne Blackwell, Earl Bud Lee
Producers: Allen Reynolds
Album: Updating
Chords Info
TuningE A D G B E
CapoNo Capo
Chords Used a E7 E Dm7 A7 Bbdim7 Bm
A Bbdim7 Bm E
Verse 1
Blame it Aall on my roots, I Bbdim7showed up in boots
And Bmruined your black tie affair
The Elast one to know, the E7last one to show
I was the Alast one you thought you'd see there
And I Asaw the surprise and the Bbdim7fear in his eyes
When BmI took his glass of chamDm7pagne
And EI toasted you, said, "Honey, E7we may be through
But Eyou'll never hear me compE7lain"
'Cause AI've got friends in low places
Where the Awhiskey drowns and the beer chases my bBmlues away
And I'll Ebe OK
Yeah, AI'm not big on social graces
Think I'll Aslip on down to the oA7asis
Oh, BmI've got friendsE in low pAlaces
Verse 2
Well, I Aguess I was wrong, I Bbdim7just don't belong
But Bmthen I've been there before
EveryEthing's all right, I'll E7just say good night
And I'll Ashow myself to the door
Hey, AI didn't mean to Bbdim7cause a big scene
Just Bmgive me an hour and Dm7then
Well, EI'll be as high as that E7ivory tower
E That you're livin' E7in
'Cause AI've got friends in low places
Where the Awhiskey drowns and the beer chases my bBmlues away
And I'll Ebe OK
Yeah, AI'm not big on social graces
Think I'll Aslip on down to the oA7asis
Oh, BmI've got friendsE in low pAlaces
Verse 3
I Aguess I was wrong, I Bbdim7just don't belong
But Bmthen, I've been there before
And everyEthing is alright, I'll E7just say goodnight
And I'll Ashow myself to the door
AI didn't mean to Bbdim7cause a big scene
Just Bmwait 'til I finish this Dm7glass
Then Esweet little lady I'll head E7back to the bar
EAnd you can kiss my E7ass
'Cause AI've got friends in low places
Where the Awhiskey drowns and the beer chases my bBmlues away
And I'll Ebe OK
Yeah, AI'm not big on social graces
Think I'll Aslip on down to the oA7asis
Oh, BmI've got friendsE in low pAlaces