7 Tips to Tune a Guitar
Tune a guitar is the first thing that should be addressed while using a guitar because it is one of the quickest methods to improve your sound. Although the Guitar tunio app can tell you whether or not your guitar is in tune, the following advice is really neccesary for you.
Here are some additional tips that will help you get in tune better
1. Use an electric tuner
Use an electronic tuner to help you tune your guitar more easily. Electronic tuners are incredibly accurate. Just clip the tuner to the guitar's headstock and pull each string one at a time. Whether the string is in tune or not will be shown by the tuner.
2. Use a tuner app
If you want to have the best tuner, let’s use a tuner app. Simply download one of these apps and follow the instructions. Keep your phone's microphone aimed at your guitar when you're using a tuner app so it can pick up the sound of the strings when you strum your guitar.

Our Guitar Tunio app offers a powerful guitar tuner that helps you tune your guitar fast and accurately. The Guitar Tuner is available for both Android and iOS smartphones, click here to download the app.
3. Tune the low E tring first
The tension is highest on the sixth string or low E. Due to the increased or decreased stress, it puts on the neck and other parts of your guitar, changing it might change the pitch of the other strings. When tuning your guitar it's best to start with the lowest string (the thickest one) and work your way up to the highest string (the thinnest one)
4. Remember to tune up
Tune each string by lowering it slightly and then raising it again to the desired pitch. Increasing tension while you play rather than decreasing it keeps the string more firmly in place and in tune.

5. Keep quite
Keep outside noise and interference to a minimum because the tuner can't tell your guitar's notes apart from other sounds it hears.
6. Use your ears
As you tighten and loosen the string, be careful to listen to the note's pitch. This will assist you in developing your ear as well as helping you to make the small adjustment you need
7. Check your tune often
Even if you tune your guitar precisely at the start, the strings might become out of tune over time due to changes in temperature or humidity. Therefore, it is important to regularly check your tuning. Throughout your practice session, it's a good idea to occasionally check your tuning and make any necessary adjustments.
Tune a guitar is so important to have the best sound. Following the 7 tips above will make you an expert in guitar tuning. Good luck!