You Are My Sunshine Ukulele Chord By Jimmie Davis

April 4, 2024

    Verse 1

    The other nCight, dear, as I lay sleeping

    I dreamt I hFeld you in my aCrms

    When I awFoke, dear, I was misCtaken

    So I huCng my hGead, and I crCied


    You are my Csunshine,

    My only sunshine.

    You make me haFppy,

    When skies are gCrey.

    You never kFnow dear,

    How much I lCove you.

    Please don't tCake my sunGshine aCway…

    Verse 2

    I'll always loCve you and make you happy

    If you will oFnly say the sCame

    But if you leFave me to love anoCther,

    You'll reCgret it aGll one dCay


    You are my Csunshine,

    My only sunshine.

    You make me haFppy,

    When skies are gCrey.

    You never kFnow dear,

    How much I lCove you.

    Please don't tCake my sunGshine aCway…

    Verse 3

    You told me oCnce, dear, you really loved me

    And no one eFlse could come betwCeen

    But now you'Fve left me and love anoCther

    You have sChattered aGll my drCeams


    You are my Csunshine,

    My only sunshine.

    You make me haFppy,

    When skies are gCrey.

    You never kFnow dear,

    How much I lCove you.

    Please don't tCake my sunGshine aCway…

    Please don't tCake my sunGshine aCway…

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