Love Hurts Chords by Nazareth
Track Info

Song: Love Hurts
Artist: Nazareth
Writers: Boudleaux Bryant
Album: Updating
Chords Info
TuningE A D G B E
CapoNo Capo
Chords Used c g f a Dm Eb Bb C7
F EbBb
Verse 1
Love hFurts, love sDmcars
Love wBbounds and mCars
C7Any heFart
Not toDmugh or strBbong enoCugh
To C7take a lot of paFin, taAke a lot of Dmpain
ALove is like a Bbcloud
Holds a Clot of raC7in
Love hFurts
EbOohBb, ooh love huFrts
Verse 2
I'm yoFung, I Dmknow, butBb even sCo
C7I know a thiFng or twDmo
I leBbarned from yCou
I rC7eally learned a loFt, reAally learned a lot
ALove is like a Bbflame
It burns you wChen it's hC7ot
Love hFurts
OEboh, oohBb love hurFts
Dm...Some fools think of AhappDminess
ABlissfulDmness, AtogetherDmness
GSome fools fool themselves, I guess
They're not fooling Cme
Verse 3
C7I know it isn't tFrue
I knAow it isn't Dmtrue
ALove is just aBb lie
Made to make Cyou blC7ue
Love hFurts
OEboh, oohBb love hurFts
OohEb, ooh Bblove hurtsF
F Dm Bb C C7
F Dm Bb C
C7I know it isn't truFe
I knAow it isn't Dmtrue
ALove is just aBb lie
Made to make Cyou bluC7e
Love Fhurts
EbOoh, Bbooh love Fhurts
EbOoh, Bbooh love Fhurts
EbOoh, Bbooh…