Little Lion Man Chords by Mumford & Sons
Track Info

Song: Little Lion Man
Artist: Mumford & Sons
Writers: Mumford & Sons
Producers: Markus Dravs
Album: Updating
Chords Info
TuningE A D G B E
CapoNo Capo
Chords Used c g am f Fmaj7
Am C Am C x2
Verse 1
AmWeep for yourself, my man
You'll never be what is in yourC heart
AmWeep, Little Lion Man
You're not as brave as you were at theC start
GRate yourself and rake yourself
FTake all the Fmaj7courage you haveC left
And Gwaste it on fixing all the Fproblems
That you Fmaj7made in your ownC head
But it was Amnot your Ffault but mCine
And it was Amyour heart Fon the lCine
I really Amfucked it Fup this tCime
Didn't I, myG dear?
Didn't I, my?
Am Am C C
Am Am C C
Verse 2
AmTremble for yourself, my man
You know that you have seen this all bCefore
AmTremble, Little Lion Man
You'll never settle any of yourC scores
Your Ggrace is wasted in your face
Your Fboldness stands aFmaj7lone among the Cwreck
Now Clearn from your mother
Or else Fspend your days Fmaj7biting your Cown neck
But it was Amnot your Ffault but mCine
And it was Amyour heart Fon the lCine
I really Amfucked it Fup this tCime
Didn't I, myG dear?
But it was Amnot your Ffault but mCine
And it was Amyour heart Fon the lCine
I really Amfucked it Fup this tCime
Didn't I, myG dear?
Didn't I, my?
Am Am C C
Am Am C C
G(No vocCal) F F x2
GAhhhhh Cahh ahh FahhhhhhFhh, ah ahx5
GAhhhhh Cahh ahh FahhhhhhFhh
But it was Amnot N.C.your fault but mine
And it was Amyour heart Fon the lCine
I really Amfucked it Fup this tCime
Didn't I, myG dear?
But it was Amnot N.C.your fault but mine
And it was your heart on the line
I really fucked it up this time
Didn't I, my dear?
Didn't I, my Cdear?