Just Like Heaven Chords by The Cure
Track Info

Song: Just Like Heaven
Artist: The Cure
Writers: Robert Smith
Producers: David M. Allen, Robert Smith
Album: Updating
Chords Info
TuningE A D G B E
CapoNo Capo
Chords Used g d a bm E F#m
A E Bm D x4
Verse 1
"Show me, show me, Ashow me how you Edo that trick
The Bmone that makes me Dscream," she said
"The Aone that makes me Elaugh," she said
And Bmthrew her arms aDround my neck"
AShow me how you Edo it, and I Bmpromise you
I Dpromise that I'll runA away with you D
I'll run Bmaway with you"
A E Bm D x4
Verse 2
ASpinning on that Edizzy edge
I Bmkissed her face and Dkissed her head
And Adreamed of all the Edifferent ways I Bmhad to make her Dglow
"AWhy are you so Efar away?" she Bmsaid
"Why won't you Dever know that I'm in Alove with youE?
That I'm in Bmlove with you?"D
G Soft and only
G Lost and lonely
GStrange as angels
DDancing in the deepest oceans
Twisting in the water
You're just like a Adream E
You're just like a Bmdream D
A E Bm D x3
Verse 3
ADaylight licked me Einto shape
I Bmmust have been asDleep for days
And Amoving lips to Ebreathe her name
I Bmopened up my Deyes
And Afound myself aElone, alone
ABmlone above a Draging sea
That Astole the only Egirl I loved
And Bmdrowned her deep inDside of me
G Soft and only
G Lost and lonely
GJust like heaveDn