Verse 1
How dDeep the Father’s lEmove fDor Gus
How vDast beyond all mBmeasuAre
That DHe should give His Emonly DSonG
To makDe a wretch His AtreasDure
How great the pain of EmseariDng losGs
The FaDther turns His faBmce awaAy
As wDounds which mar the EmChoseDn OGne
Bring mDany sons to AglorDy
Verse 2
BeholDd the man Emupon Da cGross
My Dsin upon His shBmouldeArs
ADshamed I hear my mEmockinDg voicGe
Call outD among the scoAffersD
It was my sin that hEmeld HDim theGre
UnDtil it was accBmomplisAhed
His Ddying breath has brouEmght Dme lGife
I kDnow that it is fAinisDhed
Verse 3
ID will not boast in EmanyDthiGng
No giDfts, no power, no BmwisdoAm
BuDt I will boast in JEmesus DChriGst
His deaDth and resurreActionD
Why should I gain from EmHis rDewaGrd
I cDannot give an BmansAwer
But Dthis I know with aEmll mDy heGart
His woDunds have paid my AransDom
Above are “How Deep The Father’s Love For Us” chords and lyrics. Hope you like this tab. Now, pick up your instrument and practice playing this beautiful song. And don’t forget to tune your guitar properly with our guitar tuner app before you play. Our guitar tuning engine will help your instrument sound good.