Chords to Hello - Adele
Track Info

Song: Hello
Artist: Adele
Writers: Adele Adkins, Greg Kurstin
Producers: Greg Kurstin
Album: Updating
Chords Info
TuningE A D G B E
CapoNo Capo
Chords Used Em G D C Bm
Verse 1
Hell EmG o, it's m DC e
I was wEmondering if Gafter all these yDears you'd like to mCeet
To go EmoverG everythDingC
They say that tEmime's supposed to hGeal ya, but I ain't dDone much hCealing
Verse 2
Hell EmG o, can you hDear meC?
I'm in CEmalifornia drGeaming about whDo we used to bCe
When we were yEmoungerG and frDeeC
I've fEmorgotten how it fGelt before the wDorld fell at our fCeet
There's such a dEmifferDence betwBmeen Cus
And a Em D million mCiles
HEmello from thCe other sGideD
I mEmust've called a thCousand tGimesD
To tell yEmou I'm sCorry for everythGing that I've dDone
But when I cEmall, you nCever sGeem to be hDome
HEmello from thCe outsGideD
At lEmeast I can say thCat I've trGiedD
To tell yEmou I'm sCorry for brGeaking your hDeart
But it don't mattEmer, it clCearly doesn't tGear you apDart anym EmGDC ore
Verse 3
Hell EmG o, how Dare yCou?
It's so tEmypical of mGe to talk abDout myself, CI'm sorry
I hEmopeG that you're wDellC
Did you Emever make it Gout of that town where nDothing ever hCappened?
It's no sEmecretD that the bBmoth of Cus
Are rEmunning Dout of tCime
So Emhello from Cthe other sGideD
I mEmust've called a thCousand tGimesD
To tell yEmou I'm sCorry for everythGing that I've dDone
But when I cEmall, you nCever sGeem to be hDome
HEmello from thCe outsGideD
At EmI can say thCat I've trGiedD
To tell yEmou I'm sCorry for brGeaking your hDeart
But it don't mattEmer, it clCearly doesn't tGear you apDart anymEmore C
ODoooGohh, anymEmore C
ODoooGohh, anymEmore C
ODoooGohh, anymEmore C
HEmello from thCe other sGideD
I mEmust've called a thCousand tGimesD
To tell yEmou I'm sCorry for everythGing that I've dDone
But when I cEmall, you nCever sGeem to be hDome
HEmello from thCe outsGideD
At lEmeast I cCan say that I've trGiedD
To tell yEmou I'm sCorry for brGeaking your hDeart
But it don't mattEmer, it clCearly doesn't tGear you apDart anym EmGDCEm ore