"If You Could Read My Mind" by Gordon Lightfoot is a classic folk song with a simple yet beautiful chord progression. The song' chords used in the song are as follows: C, D, G, Em, Am, and some other chords. Let's explore how to play these chords for If You Could Read My Mind to perform this wonderful song in your own style.
All Too Well 10 Minute Chords By Taylor Swift
Track Info

Song: All Too Well (10 Minute Version)
Artist: Taylor Swift
Writers: Taylor Swift, Liz Rose
Producers: Jack Antonoff, Taylor Swift
Album: Updating
Chords Info
CapoNo Capo
Chords Used c g am f
C G Am F
C G Am F
Verse 1
I wCalked through the door with you,G the air was cold
But sAmomething about it felt like hFome somehow
And I C left my scarf there at your sGister's house
And you Am still got it in your drFawer, even now
C G Am F
Verse 2
Oh, your swCeet disposition and my wGide-eyed gaze
We're sAminging in the car, getting lFost upstate
CAutumn leaves falling down like pGieces into place
And I can Am picture it after all these days
And I knCow it's long gone and
That mGagic's not here no more
And I mAmight be okay, but I'm not G fine at all F G Am F
Causе thCere we arе again on that lGittle town street
You Amalmost ran the red 'cause you were lFookin' over at me
Wind in my hCair, I was there
I remGember it all too wAmell F
Verse 3
Photo Calbum on the counter, your chGeeks were turning red
You used to be a lAmittle kid with glasses in a twFin-sized bed
And your mCother's telling stories 'bout you on the Gtee-ball team
You tAmaught me 'bout your past, thinking your fFuture was me
And you were tCossing me the car keys, "Fuck the pGatriarchy"
Keychain on the grAmound, we were always skipping tFown
And I was thinking on the drive down, "Any tGime now
He's gonna say it's lAmove," you never called it what it wFas
Till we were dCead and gone and buried
Check the pGulse and come back swearing it's the sAmame
After three months in the gFrave
And then you wondered where it went to as I reached for you
But all I felt was shame and you held my lifeless F&emspframe
And I knCow it's long gone and
There was nGothing else I could do
And I forAmget about you long enough
To forgGet why I needed tFo G Am F
Cause hCere we are again in the mGiddle of the night
We're dAmancing 'round the kitchen in the refrFigerator light
Down the stCairs, I was there
I remeGmber it all too wAmell F
And thCere we are again when nobGody had to know
You kAmept me like a secret, but I kFept you like an oath
Sacred prCayer and we'd swear
To remGember it all too wAmell F
C G Am F
C G Am F
C G Am F
C G Am F G
Well, maybe we got lCost in translation, maybe I Gasked for too much
But maybe this tAmhing was a masterpiece 'til you tFore it all up
Running scCared, I was there
I remCember it all tAmoo well F
And you Ccall me up again just to brGeak me like a promise
So cAmasually cruel in the name Fof being honest
I'm a crCumpled-up piece of paper lGying here
'Cause I remember it all, all, Amall F
Verse 4
They say Call's well that ends well, but GI'm in a new hell
Every tAmime you double-crFoss my mind
You said if wCe had been closer in Gage, maybe it would've been fAmine
And that made me wFant to die
The idCea you had of me, who was she?
A nGever-needy, ever-lovely jAmewel whose shine reflects on yFou
Not wCeeping in a party bathroom
Some Gactress asking me what happened, yAmou
That's what happened, yoFu
You who chCarmed my dad with self-effGacing jokes
SAmipping coffee like you're on a lFate-night show
But then he wCatched me watch the front door all night, wGilling you to come
And he said, "AmIt's supposed to be fun turFning twenty-one"
C G Am F
Verse 5
TCime won't fly, it's like I'm pGaralyzed by it
I'd like to bAme my old self again, but I'm stFill trying to find it
After plCaid shirt days and nights when you mGade me your own
Now you mAmail back my things and I wFalk home alone
But you kCeep my old scarf from that vGery first week
'Cause it remAminds you of innocence and it smFells like me
You can't get rCid of it
'Cause you remGember it all too Am well F
'Cause thCere we are again when I lGoved you so
BAmack before you lost the one real tFhing you've ever known
It was rCare, I was there
I remGember it all too Am well F
Wind in my hCair, you were there
You remGember it all
Down the stAmairs, you were there
You remFember it all
It was rCare, I was there
I remGember it all too Am well F
Verse 6
And I was never good at tCelling jokes But the pamunch line goes
"I'll get Folder, but your lovers stGay my age"
From when your BrCooklyn broke my skAmin and bones
I'm a sFoldier who's returning hGalf her weight
And did the twCin flame bruise paint yAmou blue?
Just betwFeen us, did the love affair mGaim you too?
Cause in this cFity's barren cold
I still remember the fGirst fall of snow
And how it glistened as it fFell
I remember it all too wCell Am
Just betwFeen us, did the love affGair maim you all too C well? Am
Just betwFeen us, do you remGember it all too C well?
Just betwFeen us, I remGember it all too C well Am F G
C Am F G
C Am F G
C Am F G
C Am F G
C Am F G C