10 Things You Should Know Before Learning to Play Guitar (Part 2)
Continuing from the previous article, in this article, Appsnemo will continue to answer FAQs (frequently asked questions) when wanting to start learning to play the guitar.
See part 1 here: 10 Things You Should Know Before Learning To Play Guitar (Part 1)
6. How to use the guitar tuner?
To use a tuner, you just need to plug the guitar into the tuner (if you are using an electric guitar) or use the built-in microphone tuner to tune the acoustic guitar. With most tuner models on the market, you just need to turn on the tuner and play a note. If you are using a guitar tuner with an LED display, make sure the needle is in the correct middle position. Clamp the tuner to the top of the fretboard and adjust it accordingly, then play each guitar string.

You also use our convenient Guitar Tunio app to tune your guitar fast and accurately. With our guitar tuner, all you need to do is to put your guitar close to the mic of your smartphone and play a string. The incredible tuner will automatically detect the string and let you know whether the string is too sharp or too flat so that you adjust it correctly. Our powerful tuner is now available on App Store and Google Play Store, check it out!
7. How do I know it's time to change the guitar strings?

Here are 5 signs that it’s time to restring your guitar:
- The guitar strings won’t stay in tune
- The guitar’s tone sounds dull
- The strings are discolored and look splotchy
- The guitar strings feel dirty
- The guitar strings feel stiff
Many guitar beginners do not realize that the old strings are dead until they suddenly realize that the sound is better when a new set of strings has been changed.
8. Why is the sound I play not so smooth?

Most guitar novices often have difficulty changing between chords. They start playing on a chord, play the rhythm, and when they move on to the following chord, they lose speed. If you move on to the next chord (usually removing all of your fingers from the fretboard in the process) and then begin to play rhythm again, the song or chord you're playing won't sound smooth. To eliminate this problem, you should try to play rhythm with your strumming hand. The benefit of this is that the song will have a more consistent rate, so it will sound better and smoother.
9. How can I practice guitar more effectively?

You should find a quiet room to practice guitar. Carry your guitar accessories like picks, tuner, metronome, portable speaker, music stand, books and CDs, and a notebook. Write down what you want to learn about and track how much time you spend on each topic. Set long-term and short-term goals, and achieve them in the best possible way. Besides, you should practice with songs and learn solo guitar songs. Then you start learning to run scale, play chord exercises and improvise whatever you like.
10. How long does it take to learn guitar?

In fact, it’s really hard to say for sure how long it will take to get good at guitar. Learning guitar is only a few months or even years because when learning guitar or learning any instrument there is always improvement and you never stop wanting your guitar technique to be better. If you want to be friends with your favorite instrument, you will always want to play it whenever and wherever because music is a gift and is born to enjoy.
That’s all our answers for FAQs, hope these are useful for you. Now, it’s time to choose a guitar for yourself and begin to practice.